Bakewell Quakers
Simple • Radical • Spiritual
Faith Into Action
Faith into action
Bakewell Quaker Green Day 7th October 2017. For more information, see the video review below.

Bridges Not walls

January 2017 on the day of the inauguration of the new American president, we are saying:
We will build BRIDGES, NOT WALLS
to a peaceful and just world rid of oppression and hatred
We know that all of us are citizens of the world, and so
- We will stand together in solidarity, and speak for peace not hatred
- We will resist the fascism spreading through the world
- We will treat everyone equally and with respect
- We will welcome refugees
Martin Luther King: “Let’s build bridges, not walls”
Pope Francis: “We need bridges, not walls”
Faith into action
Every year on the day before Remembrance Sunday Bakewell Quakers meet for a silent vigil to “remember all the dead of wars and violence worldwide”. The 2018 vigil took place on the 11th of November.

Faith into Action
“BREAD, NOT BOMBS“ – An exercise in HOPEFULNESS in July 2017
Twenty American nuclear bombs are deployed on a German Airbase and German pilots are trained to drop them under American commando. These nuclear bombs are illegal under International Law and the German constitution. More than 50 peace groups are working against this utter madness in the middle of this picture-book German landscape for decades.
In July 2017 two Quakers from Buxton, Heike and Detlef, supported an international Nonviolent Go In. There were eight American Plowshares activists (two nuns, one vicar, Catholic Workers, Nukewatch members) who showed their support for the German peace movement. There were also activists and protesters from Germany, Belgium, France, the Netherlands, China, Mexico, Russia.
Some impressions? See the video below.
Faith into Action

In 2011, the Religious Society of friends in Britain, more often known as Quakers, made a resolution that they would like to work for a low-carbon sustainable society. The Quaker Meeting in Bakewell decided that we would like to make our contribution to this. We would get together many local people, from all walks of life, who had the same aim. We would work to encourage each other in our creative activities and offer a celebration to the world. And so the Bakewell Green Festival was born. We believe that a sustainable world would also be a more peaceful world, a more equal world, a fairer and more honest world, and a simpler world. We hope you join us in that hope. Quakers worship in a listening silence, believing that there is a Power, a Light, or God, who can help to guide us in the ways of peace, equality, fairness and simplicity. It’s a big ’ask’, but we do our best. It is this belief that underpins the Bakewell Green Festival, and we offer it as a gift to all those who come and who take part.
Jeni Edwards, Festival Team Leader
Faith into action
‘Ride for Equality and the Common Good’ on Friday 27th July 2018.
Bakewell Quakers are hosting a ‘Ride for Equality and the Common Good’ on Friday 27th July 2018. 17 cyclists are riding from Cumbria to London to present a petition to the Prime Minister calling for an end to the dismantling of the welfare state. They will stay over in Bakewell. They will gather at the pedestrian bridge over the Wye at 5 pm for a photo opportunity. At 7.30 pm they will speak about their concerns and their experience at the Quaker Meeting House.
Please click link below for more Background information about the Ride.
Ride for Equality national release

Faith into Action

October 2017 Peace activists found not guilty of criminal damage
Sam Walton, a 31 year old Quaker activist from London, and Daniel Woodhouse, a Methodist minister from Leeds, said they were acting to save lives. In court Sam Walton said, “Everyone is a unique and special child of God. We are equal and connected. To destroy a human being is to destroy a part of God.”
The court heard that the pair were arrested for trying to disarm Typhoon fighter jets at BAE Systems’ site in Warton, Lancashire on 29 January 2017. They were charged with criminal damage.
Everyone is a unique and special child of God.
We are equal and connected. To destroy a human being is to destroy a part of God. They made clear
they were peaceful protestors. Their supporters stood prayerfully outside Burnley Magistrates Court during the three-day trial.
The men were acting in a personal capacity rather than on behalf of the churches for whom they work. Sam Walton is Peace and Disarmament Programme Manager for Quaker Peace & Social Witness.
In a statement following the case, Paul Parker, the Recording Clerk for Quakers in Britain, said, “Quakers in Britain are delighted with this verdict. Sam Walton is a much respected colleague who has worked with us for seven years. Throughout his life he has demonstrated a strong personal commitment to peace.”
“Quakers respect the laws of the state but our first loyalty is to God’s purposes. Quakers in Britain accept the authority of the court,” he continued. “However, as a faith community and an historic peace church, we will continue to challenge the immorality of the arms trade.”
“Quakers value all human life and view war as failure,” he said. “Sam Walton and Daniel Woodhouse were engaged in attempting to highlight the destruction of Yemen through Saudi Arabian bombing. We deplore the continued UK arms sales to Saudi Arabia.”
Remark: Quakers respect the laws of the state but may be led by faith to follow a higher law to oppose weapons of war. This advice is given in Quakers’ book of discipline: “Respect the laws of the state but let your first loyalty be to God’s purposes. If you feel impelled by strong conviction to break the law, search your conscience deeply. Ask your meeting for the prayerful support which will give you strength as a right way becomes clear.” (Quaker faith & practice 1.35)